Horror Game: Creating Ball and Chain Physics
As one of the objectives in my game I will have a chain hanging from the ceiling and the player has to knock off one coloured ring from the chain.
I am going to use the Ball and Chain effect to create this.
First of all I selected the Shape_Tube Static mesh and duplicated it. I opened the duplicate and selected Auto convex collision, changing the value of accuracy to 1.0

I placed the static mesh tube inside the content browser and then created a new blueprint actor. I opened the new blueprint actor and scaled it down so that it resembled the link of a chain.

I added both the blueprint actor and original static mesh into the scene and arranged them so that they looked like the links of a chain. I then tested it and the top link (static mesh) stayed still and the bottom link (blueprint actor) moved when interacted with. I played around with locking different axis in place so that when the character ran into it, it would move realistically like a link on a chain. I found that the best way to do this was to lock all but one of the axis.

So to create the final piece I moved the first link (static mesh) up so it looks like it is attached to the ceiling. I have 3 blueprint actor links underneath forming a chain. The middle 2 links have all but one axis locked, to have realistic movement, while the bottom link has been left with all the axis unlocked. The player has to try to knock the glowing link off the chain.