Types of Animation
Bone and Joint Animation

Bone animation has 2 parts: Joints and Bones. The circular parts are the joints, they can parent joints and child joints. The bones are visual cues that represent the relationship between joints. Bones and Joints don't have any physical presence so they need to be parented with the 3d model for animation. Depending on what the joint is meant to do, it might need to be restricted.
Keyframe Animation

The starting position needs to be keyed at the beginning of the timeline and then a new keyframe in the timeline for every new position. When the timeline is played, it will animate the movement from the position of one keyframe to the next one. Keyframes closer together will create quicker movement and keyframes further apart will create slower movement. the length of time of the timeline can be changed and also the speed in which it runs through the timeline. Audio can also be added to the animation timeline so that assets can be animated to au