End Concept Piece

This is the block out image I will start out with for the End Concept Piece. This is the very top of the main tree, where the boss battle will take place. It is much higher up than anything else in Okolina and the rest of Okolina can be seen down below.

This is my End Concept Piece. I added a thick dense forest to the outer boundaries of Okolina, rather than having the end of the level like in the block out. I have added the trees, walkways and buildings below. For the top of the big tree (the main area in this image) I initially used the same bark that I used for this tree in my previous image, however it didn't feel right and I thought it would look better with smoother wood - it is a flat roof area that has been designed to be stood on. I replaced the bark with polished wood and found it looked a lot better. I used the bark to create a symbol over the top of the polished wood that can only be seen from looking down at the scene.

This is the image with lighting added. The light source is above and to the top of the image (which would be coming from in front of the tree entrance, the same place I had it coming from in the previous image).
I have made everything in the bottom 50% of the image slightly darker as this would be the more shaded side. The top of the tree would be much brighter than the rest of Okolina that can be seen because the top of the tree is much higher and closer to the light source.
By adding light browns, yellows and whites to the top of the tree, I have tried to highlight this as the lightest place on the image. I am not sure this has worked however, as I think it has had the effect of making it look like that part of the wood is worn, rather than bright. I think this is because it has made the wood look more matte, while if I had made it look more shiny, it would have been a more obvious reflection of the light.
The edges of the woods are darker than the main part of Okolina, as the woods are more dense and have less light come through to them. As Okolina is more spread out, there are more areas that the light can get to.