Dawl Environment Moodboard

This is my moodboard for the environment in the city of Dawl.
Okolina is the first city that the player visits in the game, its where the story starts and would act as a tutorial for the player. As the opening level, I want the environment to be light, inviting and memorable for the player, while at the same time introducing the player to the look of the world and show them themes that will be used throughout the game.
Dawl is going to be a futuristic looking metropolis. Bright whites and sci-fi blues, - lots of tall buildings but also explorable areas at ground level with shops and cafes. One of the main areas in Dawl will be the cafe (where the main character will be working at the start of the narrative) and the train station (as this is how the player gets to other levels).
The collection of images that I have here for my moodboard are a mix of game cities, concept art and real cities. I feel like it gives a clear visual of what I would like Dawl to look like.