In Unit 70, I aimed to learn the development process for designing interactive 3D levels. I set out to learn the fundamentals of 3D...
Peer Feedback
Adam Murphy - Your city scene looks really good. I think the strongest parts are the roads, the tram stops and the fact that you've made...
Tools Learnt
- Landscape editor - Heightmaps - Texture and Material creation and editing - Spline tool - Ramp tool - Smooth tool - Paint Landscape...

Finished 3D Environment
These are some screenshots of the finished 3D environment. The level starts on the pier near the sea, where the character can look up see...

Height Maps
As my environment is a city, I wanted to use a city height map and have buildings and skyscrapers surrounding the environment. I searched...

Creating and Editing Materials and Textures
I created this Landscape material to paint my environment with. I used the grass, dirt and rock textures, and created the normal maps for...

Creating the Landscape
I learnt a lot of new tools creating the landscape. Using the new landscape tool I set out my landscape then used the sculpt tools to...

Creating roads using the Spline Tool
The Spline tool is something I had never used before, but you add points with it and it creates a path. Then a mesh or material can be...

Tram Stop Model
One of the main features of the city will be the tram running through it, so I wanted to create a tram stop. While the city takes...

Monument Model
Created a Monument to go in the park. I tried to make the design stay in the art deco theme. Finished monument in Unreal #unit70