Enemy Npc - Drongo
I chose my main character from a pack that I have downloaded from the marketplace. This character is called Drongo is also from the Paragon pack that Terra - the main character came from.

I have created a distance check for Drongo, so that he will check how far away the player is, and I have also made it so Drongo will chase the player. I have given him multiple attacks - close range, mid range and long range, using the same method that I used to give Terra attacks. I also built a fire projectile, however, in practice this doesn't seem to work. I made a health bar for him on the HUD so the player can see how much more damage they need to do to him to take him down. I placed a trigger box in front of the player, so Drongo won't start chasing them as soon as the game starts but will as soon as the player runs through the box. I added collision capsules to Drongo's skeleton mesh to give and take damage, however, I think I have made the collision capsules too big - this can be easily rectified by going back into the skeleton and resizing them. I also set up a speed debuff and a burn debuff.