Camera Study: Sonic the Hedgehog
I am going to look in detail at a franchise: how they use cameras and how their use of cameras have changed over time. I have chosen to...

How Cameras Are Used To Influence Players
Cameras used inside games are used for more than just letting the players see the game. They can also be used to influence the players in...

Ways of Using 3rd Person Cameras in Games
Over The Shoulder Over the shoulder is probably the most common use of cameras in 3rd person games. The camera follows behind the main...

Third Person Camera in 2D Games
2D platformers are always in 3rd person - they wouldn't be 2D platformers if they had a different type of camera. The camera used in 2D...

Third Person Cameras in 3D Games
Third person cameras are set so the player can see the character while they are controlling them. This gives the player a god-like view...

2nd Person Cameras
2nd person camera is when you are watching the main playable character from the perspective of another character. This type of camera...

First Person Cameras
First Person cameras are set so the player sees the game environment through the characters eyes. This type of perspective is used to...
Introduction to Unit 49
In this Unit, I will develop my practical production skills currently required in the industry. I will be researching controller / camera...