Taking Back Okolina Wireframe
This is the wireframes for each of my menu screens. It starts with the splash screen which is pretty simple; pressing any button will...

Menu Flowchart
This is a flowchart showing my menu system. The splash screen leads to the menu, which then can lead to New Game, Load, Options, Credits...

Chosen Visual Design
These are the visuals I have decided to go with for my game. The colour palette is influenced by a lot of futuristic / sci-fi games. I...

Splash Screen Design
This is my Splash Screen for Taking Back Okolina. I kept it pretty simple and used the blues from my colour palette. #splash #screen...

Taking Back Okolina Main Menu Design
#unit79 #takingbackokolina #main #menu #design

Typeface Moodboards
I have researched different typefaces and am testing out what typeface(s) I would like to use in my menu. I think I am going to use 2...

Menu Colour Scheme Moodboard
Top Left: Osmos Splash Screen Top Middle: Mirror's Edge Splash Screen Top Right: No Man's Sky Options Menu Screen Bottom Left: Bioshock 2...

Creating a basic menu
As I created my menu, I screenshotted what I was doing. Here is a short decription of some of the key parts pof my menu creation and then...

Unit 79 References
https://thekoalition.com/images/2018/06/pcgamer.jpg [PC Gamer] (n.d.) [Online]. Available at https://thekoalition.com/images/2018/06/pcga...

Human-Computer Interfaces
Human-Computer Interfaces HCI stands for Human-Computer Interface. This refers to the hardware that the player uses to interact with the...