Creating a BunkBed
The bunk bed is the most complicated thing I have made so far.
I started with the base of the bottom bunk, creating a cuboid that I think would be right for the bottom base of the bed. Then I used multi-cut and to create the spaces for the legs of the bed. Using symmetry and the extrude tool, I created the bottom legs. I then duplicated what I had made and moved it above to create the top bunk. I had to extrude the legs further so there is more space between the two bunks than there is between the bottom bunk and the floor. I also extruded upwards to create the top bed posts.
I made the pillows, mattresses and ladder as all separate pieces. I merged the ladder with the bed structure as they are all going to be made out of the same material. The pillows and mattresses will be made of different material so I left them separate to make it easier to put the materials on them in UE4.
To make the pillows look smoother and more realistic, I used the smooth tool which rounded it and then moved individual vertex to create the edges of the pillows.