3D Environments Mind Map
I have created a mind map that looks at 4 different levels within my game and the environments that I want for them. Even though 3 out of...

Lantern moving in the wind animation
I made a 3d model of a lantern. Its loosely based on the look of the lantern from 'Spirited Away'. I learnt a new technique while making...

Moped Handle Rotate Animation
This is the first animation I have made. I started by creating a moped handlebar in maya. I purposefully didn't combine the individual...
List of Animated Assets
1. Moped Handle Turning 2. Ball Bouncing 3. Crate Opening 4. Lantern Swinging 5. Satellite Dish Scanning 6. Lift Button Pressing 7. Lift...

Animatable 3D Assets Mindmap
This is a mind-map of some of the ideas I have had for possible assets I could animate. My game is mostly set in cities, so I tried to...

Maya 3D Modelling Practice (Colette) Continued
Today I am carrying on with my practice character Collette. I have edited the sleeve so that the shoulder fits into the body and have...

Try, try, try again
Today I have been working on both the models for Kit and Moda. However, I have run into some problems with crossed vertexes, some things...

Creating a curvy character (Maya)
Today I have been editing the model of Moda Swine's body that I had already made to add more detail and to make her look more curvy and...

Creating a basic body shape for Moda Swine
Today I made a basic body shape for moda swine. I started with the hips / waist the extruded up from there to make the upper body. I used...

Creating my Tram Model - Making the Exterior
To create the exterior of my tram, I am using the blocked out version that I have already created as a starting point. I am deleting the...