Blocking Out The Tram
I have blocked out the outer part of my tram in Maya - this is to give myself an idea of what it will look like and the size / scale of...

3D Modelling Moda Swine
Today I began preparation for making a 3d Model of Moda Swine. I exported the T pose and Side view as PNG files and imported them to...

Maya 3D Modelling Practice (Colette)
3D Modelling in Maya is by far my weakest subject in the course so far. To try and improve this I am going to be following online...
Maya tips and tricks
Just a list of tips, tricks, shortcuts and sequences in Maya that I use and might need to refer back to. Change grid size: Display > Grid...

Quad Draw
I learnt how to use quad draw and to add quads to my model. Using the goblin head model from before I exited sculpting and chose object...

Learning Sculpting Tools in Maya
Today I was learning how to use the sculpting tools in Maya. I started by changing the grid size - I did this by following the path:...
How I decided on a tram for my 3d model
I already have ideas for what the different cities (levels) in my game will look like and the themes around them. Therefore I wanted to...

Creating the Pipes
I decided that the best way to make the pipes would be to make a few basic pieces of pipe, and then if I wanted to make something more...

Creating a Phone
Next I am creating a phone. I want the phone to be a main part of one of the puzzles, so this was an important item. I thought about what...

Creating a BunkBed
The bunk bed is the most complicated thing I have made so far. I started with the base of the bottom bunk, creating a cuboid that I think...