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Maya 3D Modelling Practice (Colette) Continued

Today I am carrying on with my practice character Collette.

I have edited the sleeve so that the shoulder fits into the body and have resized and aligned the sleeve to fit with how it is positioned in the reference image.

I then created the leg using the same techniques as creating the arm.

Next I selected and deleted the half of the body that I hadn't made an arm or leg for, in preparation for duplicating half to create the whole body.

Then I worked on combining the arm, body and leg. To do this I deleted the faces on the arm and leg on the side that they would attach to the body.

Then I put them all into the place that I want them to be and press the combine tool - this means all pieces are selected as one. To duplicate I selected the object and then used the mirror tool to duplicate the object and create a complete body.


Tip: Press on any item to see the full post.

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