Character Animation 5: Dabarobics
For my last animation, I wanted to make something fun. Instead of animating just a normal dab, I have decided to make an animation of...

Character Animation 4: Wave
For my 4th animation, I want to create a greeting. I decided on a wave as it is a universal greeting. As my 4th body animation, I started...

Character Animation 3: Stage Bow
For my 3rd animation, I wanted to create a stage bow. I tried to find a video reference for the bow, but I couldn't find a video of the...

Character Animation 2: Caramelldansen
For my 2nd character body animation I wanted to try and create the dance from Caramelldansen. Caramelldansen was a popular internet craze...

Lip Sync
Deciding a clip to lip sync: I watch a lot of british comedy youtubers and would really enjoy recreating part of a sketch for the lip...

Shop Door Opening
I modelled a shop with a window and door in Maya. I knew I wanted to animate the door opening. To start with I tried doing this using...

Lift Animation
I have made a lift which has multiple animations. There are bone animations of the button being pushed and then the doors opening and...

Satellite Dish Scanning animation
I designed a satellite to go into my game. I want to animate it moving around like it is scanning / searching for something. I kind of...

Lantern moving in the wind animation
I made a 3d model of a lantern. Its loosely based on the look of the lantern from 'Spirited Away'. I learnt a new technique while making...

Animating Crate Opening
Other things that I have animated (such as the ball and the moped handle) I have not used bones. Today I am trying to create my first...