Lift Animation
I have made a lift which has multiple animations. There are bone animations of the button being pushed and then the doors opening and...
Satellite Dish Scanning animation
I designed a satellite to go into my game. I want to animate it moving around like it is scanning / searching for something. I kind of...
Lantern moving in the wind animation
I made a 3d model of a lantern. Its loosely based on the look of the lantern from 'Spirited Away'. I learnt a new technique while making...
Animating Crate Opening
Other things that I have animated (such as the ball and the moped handle) I have not used bones. Today I am trying to create my first...
Moped Handle Rotate Animation
This is the first animation I have made. I started by creating a moped handlebar in maya. I purposefully didn't combine the individual...
Bouncing Ball Animation
I have created a bouncing ball animation. This is often the first animation people create because it is something that you can easily...
Joint Animation
This is my first time using bone animation. I tried to make a robot arm, like the ones that would be used in factories to create cars. I...
List of Animated Assets
1. Moped Handle Turning 2. Ball Bouncing 3. Crate Opening 4. Lantern Swinging 5. Satellite Dish Scanning 6. Lift Button Pressing 7. Lift...
Why Bone Animations Can Distort
So I have had some problems with my bone animations distorting in ways that I didn't want them to. After researching into this issue,...
Types of Animation
Bone and Joint Animation Bone animation has 2 parts: Joints and Bones. The circular parts are the joints, they can parent joints and...